Meet the Team

The Mt Helena Veterinary team is here to provide the “best local care” to pets in the Perth hills region. We genuinely care about the health, welfare and comfort of your pets and find that our personal approach has meant that many patients are keen to walk through the door.

We always have the best interests of the pet in mind… in fact every decision is made in the best interests for our patients. This in combination with spending the time with our clients to explain and recommend best practice care has helped create a loyal clientele that happily trust us with their valued family member.

We pride ourselves on providing the highest level of care and an elevated skill set ultimately benefiting the patient with the best possible outcome every time. For every surgery our patients are placed on intravenous fluids to maintain their blood pressure and protect their kidneys. We always have a dedicated nurse closely monitoring the patient during surgery and on recovery. We provide pain relief to every patient not to mention plenty of cuddles especially on recovery which absolutely always helps. 🙂

Our Veterinarians are experienced exclusively in small animal surgery and medicine and all our highly-skilled Nurses are registered with the Veterinary Surgeon’s Board. We make every effort to keep up to date with the best veterinary practice relevant to your pet’s needs.

Our team comes complete with a multitude of beloved furry, winged and scaly valued family members.


Dr Tanya Lovelock



Dr Tanya Lovelock is the full time senior veterinary surgeon and co-owner of Mt Helena Vet Clinic. Tanya grew up in the Perth Hills and studied Environmental Science at the University of W.A. She then moved to Melbourne to continue her studies completing her second degree being a Bachelor of Veterinary Medical Science at Melbourne University.

Tanya has extensive experience practicing in various clinics ranging from country clinics to the very busy inner-city Melbourne clinics.

Tanya moved back home in 2014 and has loved living and working back in the eastern hills of Perth since.

Although enjoying all aspects of medicine, Tanya has a special interest in soft tissue surgery and pocket pets and is delighted in the number of chickens and rabbits we see at Mt Helena Vet!

As often as she can, Tanya enjoys long walks with her fur baby Tilly the whippet.


Dr Tammy Besch

Tammy was born and raised in Perth, living most of her life around the hills.

She graduated as a vet from Murdoch University in 2001. After working in a number of clinics in Perth over the years, Tammy was delighted to join Mt Helena in early 2019. 

Although Tammy has a soft spot for cats, she loves all animals and enjoys seeing the varied species that pass through the clinic. Tammy appreciates the diversity that each day the job brings, from vaccinations, to medical cases and surgeries.

Outside of work, Tammy enjoys spending time with her husband and two children, watching the Eagles win, jigsaws and logic puzzles. Her present fur/feather “kids” are two cheeky cattle dogs, two cats, two guinea pigs and six free-loading chickens.


Dr Stephan Nell

I grew up on a farm in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. From a young age, my dad taught me that
there is a fine balance between the conservation, care and economic value of animals.

I finished my degree at the University of Pretoria (Onderstepoort campus) after which I worked at, and later co-owned, a practice in Plettenberg Bay. It is there where I truly learned to appreciate the challenges involved in being a veterinarian, as we cared for everything from rats and hamsters to the big five African animals.

With my lovely wife Tanja, and our 2 sons, we moved to Perth in 2021. Since arriving, we have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the friendly and helpful people in Australia, as well as exploring this beautiful continent.

Cheers to many more amazing adventures and I look forward to the opportunity of working at Mount Helena Family Vet Clinic.


Jess Garrihy – Veterinary Head Nurse (RVN)

I am New Zealand born and raised had had an array of various animals throughout my childhood and adulthood alike.

I have a great sense of humour an amazing outlook (If I don’t say so myself) and I have dedicated my life to my pets and children.

I studied at South metro Tafe, graduating in 1995 completing the certificate IV in Veterinary Nursing.

I absolutely love my career choice as I get to guide, treat, care and support pets and their owners throughout their journey at Mt Helena Family Vet Clinic.

I take great pride in being able to help where needed. I especially love birds and ferrets however adore all creatures great and small. I am always willing to learn something new every day and there is always time for laughter. 🙂


Kaylee Brown – Veterinary Nurse (RVN)


I am originally from Busselton and moved to Perth four years ago. After exploring a number of career pathways it ultimately led me to the Veterinary Nursing course at South Metropolitan Tafe.

I have always loved being around animals whether big or small. I grew up with my many pets including Cats, Dogs, Sheep and Rats all playing around the house which often made my home feel like a Zoo, which I loved!

Being able to find a career where I can work with animals and meet new people everyday, I love! and I feel I have found my place at Mt Helena Veterinary Clinic.

I often love unique pets and have little fur babies of my own named Clifford and Rudy, though they are small they are the best little boys and provide the best snuggles.


Claire Blake – Veterinary Nurse (RVN)


A little bit about me. I grew up in the Perth hills and have spent many years traveling Australia and the world.

My favourite place to be is in Exmouth. Swimming with the whale sharks was such an incredible experience. 

In my spare time I’ll often be at my favourite yoga studio. 

I love animals and I have had an array of pets over the years. I feel incredibly lucky every day that I work in this industry.


Fayth Rimmer – Veterinary Nurse (RVN)

I grew up in the Kimberley region. My early years in Kununurra and Broome. A country girl at heart, I have always loved everything outdoors, from the ocean to gorges. I was privileged to see it all and I fell in love with all the beauties the north west has to offer.

Animals have always fascinated me and from the moment we had our first German Shepherd, I was dog crazy. A dog will catch my eye anywhere and I will stop mid conversation to admire it. 🙂

As I went through school I always knew that I would be doing something involving my love for animals. Towards the end of year 12 I had a career path lined up however at the very last moment a few months after graduating I found myself enrolled in TAFE to complete a certificate in animal studies.  This in turn led me to complete my Certificate 4 in Veterinary Nursing which was completed the June of 2021.

I love to learn everything I can and I know the animal industry has so much to offer on that front so I am so glad that I have been able to take myself into this career and I am excited for what my future in animal care will bring me.

Pictured is “Keeta” our 6 year old GSD, the cheekiest but most beautiful dog of all!!


Sandee Tasou – Veterinary Nurse (RVN

We have had the pleasure (and anyone of our clients who have met her) to have Sandee with us on Saturdays for the last two years. After all her hard work and dedication she has graduated and now a fully fledged RVN Registered Vet Nurse. Congratulations! AND she will continue to be with us as an employee, yipee!
Sandee has worked in pharmacy, (community and government) and book keeping to now following her dream job.

Sandee has a passion for ALL animals including exotics since she was young and is currently mumma bear to – Four birds – Larry, Dexter, Bruce and Shady – three which were rescued and one hand-raised from our clinic. Two dogs – Taizah and Diesel and Two rescue cats – Pauly and Rocket.


Tiana Penketh – Animal Attendant 


I am born and raised in Mt Helena and graduated from our local high school in 2022.
In January 2020 I was lucky to be employed as a Kennel Attendant at MHFVC. I’ve been learning a lot from everyone and I can’t wait for the day when I can become a fully qualified member of the team.

I am about to commence my Animal Studies certificate as of February 2023 at AVT in Ascot.
I am ultimately a dog enthusiast, but each work day I am excited to see the interesting and new animals I might come across and be able to learn about.

I share my home with two beautiful German Shepherd boys Bear and Bandit, and an aviary of budgies.
If I can be a helping hand into making just one animal‘s life more comfortable, then it’s a good day :))


Michael Bennett – Practice Manager

Michael is co-owner of MHVC and comes with many years happily surrounding himself in the industry by being married to Dr Tanya.

Growing up in foot hills of Mt Baw Baw in a beautiful little Victorian country town of Willow Grove he was eager to travel and explore the world. Michael comes with a range of skills and experiences derived from his studies and careers in Hospitality/Marketing/Advertising/Public Relations/Sales and Small Business.

Michael has a genuine passion about providing an exceptional and elevated level of care to all our wonderful patients that enter through the door in company with providing the best possible customer experience for their owners. He loves meeting our clients when he can escape his lair – previously known as the office. 😉


Tilly Lovelock Bennett – owner of our lives 🙂 and we love it!

Tilly is the very much loved family member of the Lovelock Bennett family clan. One of Tillys chores each day is to decide which bed she will rest on depending on the weather, view point and generally how she is feeling at the time. She loves walks through the many tracks that Perth Hills provide and loves a cow ear from time to time… yum yum


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