Mt Helena’s Dental Month Package – this August!

Dental Month Is Here!!!

Call Us to book an appointment for this August…

Just like humans, our pets are vulnerable to gum disease and problems with their teeth.
Alarmingly, 80% of dogs suffer from some form of dental disease by the age of three (3).

The health of their teeth and gums has a significant impact on their overall quality of life.
Finding problems early improves longevity and quality of life for your pet.

Imagine how your mouth would feel, and smell, if you never brushed your teeth.
Imagine having a really bad toothache and not being able to tell anyone about it!

Each year we like to ensure we do our best to enable our clients pets enjoy many happy and healthy years ahead.

That is why we have implemented the annual Dental Care Program each August. It sounds simple however this promotion yields many benefits for both you and your pet.

Program Benefits:

  1. Allows the opportunity for early detection and treatment of disease
  2. Removal or reduction in discomfort and or pain that was not easily evident to us
  3. Early detection of disease often gives us more effective and less costly treatment options
  4. Opportunity to maintain health and assist in prevention of illness throughout your pet’s lifetime

If you have any questions about dental care or professional cleaning please do not hesitate to contact us, one of our friendly team members will be delighted to assist on 9572 1777

What is included in our Dental package?

Your pet’s complete Dental Hygiene program includes:

  1. FREE Dental assessment
  2. Package includes anaesthetic and IV fluids
  3. Charting all present teeth and evaluating their condition
  4. Examine the degree of tartar and gingivitis (gum inflammation)
  5. Establish any pockets in the gums around the teeth
  6. We will then remove the tartar above the gum line using a special ultrasonic scaler
  7. The teeth are then polished using a dental polisher and specialised fine-grade paste

All for just $535

August only – Call now to book 9572 1777
* conditions apply

If you are not sure your pet needs a scale and polish, no problems… We offer FREE dental check-ups with one of our experienced and friendly nurses.

If certain teeth are so severely affected they cannot be saved, extractions will be necessary (additional fees apply).

In some cases, gum surgery is required to close the holes left behind when a tooth is extracted, and dissolvable stitches are used for this procedure

Once all dental work is completed, your dog may be given an antibiotic and an anti-inflammatory injection, the anaesthetic gas is turned off, and your pet is allowed to wake up. Pets are generally able to go home on the same day

Following a professional dental clean, we implement a plan to minimise build up of tartar again, this will depend on the severity of your pets dental disease

It is recommended that all pets be examined 6 months after dental cleaning to determine the effectiveness of your dental care routine

Common signs of dental disease, in order of severity, include:

  • Yellow-brown tartar around the gum line
  • Inflamed, red gums
  • Bad breath
  • Change in eating or chewing habits
  • Pawing at the face or mouth
  • Excessive drooling
  • Pain or bleeding when you touch the gums or mouth

If your pet is showing any of these signs of dental disease please book an appointment to see one of our veterinarians.  Early assessment and action can save your pets teeth!

Important facts about Dental Disease!

Dental disease can result in bad breath, painful chewing and even the loss of teeth. Bacteria that is harboured in the plaque and infected gums can also spread to the heart, kidneys and liver which can significantly shorten the life span of your pet.

Professional dental cleaning by your Veterinarian is required to remove plaque and tartar from a pet’s teeth and to assess the health of the mouth. This procedure is performed on the day of your appointment and records kept on your pets file for future reference.

Regular, at-home dental care can help improve the health of your pet’s mouth and lengthen the intervals between professional dental cleanings.

What pets should take part in Dental Month?

We recommend Dental Care for all pets however if you are not sure please take advantage of our FREE dental check-up with one of our experienced and friendly nurses.

I’d like my pet to participate in the Dental Care Program. What do I do?

Call us to arrange a day for your pet to receive his or her procedure. Please withhold food from your pet starting the night prior (circa 9pm) to your procedure date as this complies with our anaesthetic protocol. Make water available for your pet as usual.

How can I minimise dental disease? Click here

What does a professional dental clean involve? Click here

To take advantage of our Dental Month promotion in August please call us to arrange an appointment! on 08 9572 1777.